Interview with Kalabash Student Artist

For the past few months, Kalabash student Jack Rudy (who takes music/theatre/acting classes with Miss Nancy and has taken comic book classes with Rodney Anderson) has been working on a writing project called “The Adventures of Tyris and Kat”. We are pleased to release the trailer for this project, which is illustrated by Jack and narrated by Jack and Nancy. Below is an interview with the artist and the trailer for the film! We’re looking forward to seeing more work from this young artist!

Can you give a brief synopsis of the story? 

Well, it’s about these two twins and they live in this made up world. One of them has these powers they don’t know about, and they don’t know their whole family history and one day they get kidnapped, and have to go on a long journey to figure out who they are and who their family is. 

How did you come up with the premise of the story? The characters? 

Random ideas come to me, and they usually get inspired by the shows I watch or am currently watching. 

Were there any specific shows that inspired this story? 

Not at the first part, but then I watched Avatar and that kind of helped move the story. 

And what inspirations did you draw from that show? 

The fact that she can use the elements and some of the character dynamics, for example between the siblings, are a little bit like the ones from Avatar. 

Will this be a series of graphic novels, or do you intend to bring in film/other media? Would you consider making it a theatre, musical, or film piece? 

I’d imagined it as an animated TV show with shorter episodes. But a graphic novel could also be cool. 

What genre do you feel your artwork falls under? 

Fantasy. And Horror. And usually it’s about kids, because I’m a kid. 

What/who are some of your main inspirations that you draw from in your work? 

For drawing, I usually do cartoon style. But I haven’t really been inspired by other cartoon styles, because I don’t try to draw realistically or in an anime style. But with some of my other work I’ve been inspired by Stranger Things, and IT by Stephen King. And that’s pretty much it. 

In what space do you feel most creatively inspired? AKA where do you feel you can do your best work? 

Not really. I don’t do better in any certain place, I just need to be alone. And also it depends on my state of mind. Sometimes if I’m not super energetic, or maybe after I’ve watched something, then I’ll sit down to create. 

How has your script writing changed and/or evolved over time? 

I think at the beginning, I wasn’t great with cutting off scenes. And not as much dialogue as description. And also things were more blunt. Like: ‘Yes, I will”, and not said in a, you know, normal way. I think some of my dialogue got more natural over time. 

What are some common themes in your script-writing? 

Usually it’s about kids going on a journey. And they will evolve and change a little along the way. 

Is this the first piece of writing you’ve ever done? 

Nope~ so my first real writing that I did was a book that I worked on for a little bit and I got a good way through. And then I also write part of a Horror Movie Script, that will be continued, that I have a clip of, and that is called Blindsville Horror Story. It’s about a small town and kids start to go missing, and these two boys have to team up to save their friend.

What do you like most about your work?

I like making stories, and it’s fun to create different worlds and people apart from this world. 

What do you dislike about your work? Or what do you think you can improve upon? 

I’ll have a basic plan but sometimes I need a more set plan, and sometimes I sort of just...go with it, and not think too much before. And that gets really crazy. So maybe I could have a bit more of a set plan, not just beginning, middle, and end, but who they meet along the way. ‘Cause I just randomly introduced Prothisio because I wanted a different character. He’s an old wizard they meet who trains Kat after she gets her powers. 

What superpower would you have and why? 

Okay there are a few answers. Either telekinesis~because that would be fun; to move things with your mind, and control people’s minds because then~

You would rule the world? 

I would rule the world. Shape shifting would be fun~ and changing sizes, shrinking and stuff. That would be fun because I could go into my lego sets. And breathing underwater would be cool. Flying would be cool too. It would be cool to get around that way. 

Tell me more about your lego set. 

I just like to build lego sets. I have a lot of energy I think but I also like to focus on something, and I can focus on something for three hours, and not do anything else. 

What are some other hobbies you enjoy? 

I like swimming. I like watching TV shows. I like reading. I like LEGOS. I like to draw, and I like Theatre Tech. Oh, and I like dancing, tap dancing. And also acting is fun because you get to be a different person. Oh, and I like costuming. I like making clothes designs.  I like doing versions of Greek and Roman Togas but modernized versions. 

Okay, name three actors you’d like to cast in your movies. 

Hmmm. For Prophisio: Ian McKellen For Kat...hmm...I know! Sadie Sink. Because she’s a ginger too, and a good actress. For Tyris...Isaac Hempstead Wright, who plays Bran in Game of Thrones. 

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given (can be art-related or otherwise)?

I don’t like getting advice. But! I gave myself good advice. I don’t take criticism from people I wouldn’t take advice from. That’s pretty good advice. 

I wish I’d gotten that advice at your age. Ok...what audience would you like to reach with your work? 

Maybe young people or teenagers. Like 10-13 year olds. 

Do you feel your work has any deeper symbolism or social commentary?

No, I don’t really like symbolism. I just write a story, for the point of it being a story. 

When can we expect “The Adventures of Tyris and Kat” to come out? 

A long time. Because I’m not done with the series, and animating can take a long time.